
Enaya Nihal

Warwick SU President


Oh, hi! I'm Enaya, your SU President. I'm the primary representative of the student body to the University and external parties. My job is to ensure that your voice is heard at all levels, and to make sure that we are being transparent about what we do (and what we can do) here at the SU.

Economics, Politics and International Studies (Class of 2023)

Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Fun fact about me:
I can speak 5 languages!

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:
As President, I will do my best to:

  • Make our SU processes more transparent and accessible for all by empowering YOUR voice
  • Tackle the impact of the Cost-of-Living crisis by focusing on making essentials, food, transport, accommodation, sports clubs and societies more affordable
  • Make our students feel Safer at Warwick, both on and off campus through safe transport at night, better lighting and a permanent welfare stand at the Copper Rooms
  • Focus on Student Wellbeing and strengthening our support structures, especially for International, Part-time and Disabled Students
  • Making sure that your education is your choice by pushing for self-certs across the board, accessibility to buildings, timetabling and assessment methods
  • Continue the initiatives I started as VP Welfare and Campaigns last year, such as Safer Warwick and the Free Breakfast Club

If you'd like to talk to me about these things, or anything else, either drop me an email or come and see me at SUHQ!

Enaya Nihal

The President's office is on the first floor of SUHQ.

024 765 72777

My Goals

Improve Transparency
  • Publicise All Student Vote dates, motions and campaigns/project funding deadlines in advance each term.
  • Have transparent decision-making processes from Impact Assessment through to motions being actioned.
  • Increase student engagement with SU democracy by providing policy toolkits and easy-to-access resources on the SU webpage.
  • Work on an outreach plan to improve our NSS scores, SFS, FTO Visibility and progress trackers.
  • Revamp the SU Newsletter for the 60th Anniversary.
  • Launch an archive-inspired Yearbook for our 60th Anniversary and host Alumni Speakers on campus for an event.
  • Update the Interactive Map for the SUHQ and the End Period Poverty campaign.
  • Continue the Demilitarisation Campaign, working with student groups and publishing updates to our pages for all students to access.
Make Education Accessible
  • Lobby for earlier releases of teaching and exam timetables.
  • Centralise all information related to timetables and assessment deadlines on the MyWarwick App across departments.
  • Call for departments to offer varied assessment methods.
  • Work towards supporting Joint Honours students by working with departments and the SSLC structure.
  • Advance the ongoing efforts to release academic resources and reading lists earlier.
  • Advocate for more quiet study spaces and private meeting rooms that are accessible to all.
  • Push for self-certifications across the board.
  • Call for buildings to be more accessible to students with disabilities.
International Students’ Experience
  • Nationally lobby against hostile policies towards international students, including visa restrictions and protest rights.
  • Continue the Decolonization projects on campus, including #RenameRadcliffe
  • Provide a tailored SU offering for International Students through specialised advice in our Advice Centre, a culture week and diverse club nights at the Copper Rooms.
  • Introduce workshops on tackling imposter syndrome to help students adapt to university life and academic burnout
  • Lobby Wellbeing to hire multilingual advisors and run cultural awareness training to better cater to International students.
Safer Warwick
  • Get SU outlets (T-Bar and Copper Rooms) certified as Safe Places by the Egalitarian Project.
  • Re-launch a late-night taxi or bus service from campus to Coventry and advocate for the return of the West Midlands On-Demand Bus Service towards Warwickshire
  • Call for the University to meet student demands around safety on campus (for example, providing personal safety alarms and blinds in on-campus accommodation).
  • Continue working on lighting on paths between central campus and Gibbet Hill, Westwood, and more, with Estates and Community Safety.
  • Push for the University to adopt Safezone.
  • Close the feedback loop from the survey last year – you said, we did piece.
  • Embed Safer Warwick as a permanent campaign, with recurring surveys.
Tackle the Cost-of-Living crisis
  • Continue the Better Buses campaign, working with local district councils and bus companies to improve the efficiency and affordability of the buses.
  • Work to lock down the prices of essentials in SU and University outlets, including halal, vegan and kosher options.
  • Provide free workshops to help students develop skills such as cooking, budgeting, and sustainable practices.
  • Work with other SUs to lobby nationally for affordable housing strategies and for maintenance loans to rise in line with inflation.
  • Prioritise the SU becoming a Real Living Wage employer.
  • Embed the (Free) Breakfast Club and End Period Poverty campaigns as permanent provisions on campus, which all students can access.
  • Support Louis and Joe with the reducing the cost of sports and socialising by cutting Socs and Sports Federation Fees, lobbying the University to increase BUCS funding, and introducing both a non-BUCS pot and a club development pot to support sports clubs.


The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto 

View my vote count