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Societies Officer

Joe Stanley

Vice President for Societies


As Vice President for Societies, I will be the first contact for societies at Warwick. My main job is to represent lots of different kinds of societies and to make sure they are equipped and be able to function as effectively as possible.
My role involves supporting the organisational running of societies as well as helping develop processes and policies that benefit societies. I will be representing societies' interests in university committees and with external stakeholders to provide the best possible student experience. I will also be responsible for helping organise societal promotional events such as the Societies Fair and help co-ordinate training for executive committee members.

Public Policy MA

Saffron Walden, Essex

Fun fact about me:
I have mixed dominance in my hands! I am right-handed with one handed tasks such as writing, and left handed when performing two handed tasks such as batting in cricket or using a knife and fork.

My role and what I hope to achieve this year:

  • Push for greater affordability and accessibility for society members
  • Improve bureaucratic processes
  • Improve communication between societies and the SU
  • Promote and raise awareness for societies & their activities - push to promote/enable societies to do more
  • SU to be less restrictive, more enabling for Socs (Cut down on Bureaucracy)
  • Allow New Societies to do more
  • Accessibility to Socs (Spending, socs fees, spaces)
  • Promote Societies Events via a Calendar
  • Communication such as through social media and Exec resources need to be improved, devolve social media pages
  • More cohesive response to execs as an organization
  • Event planning packs w/ LG
  • Help develop exec handover packs
  • More exec collaboration with regard to exec mixer
  • Highlight the activities of the societies to the university and external bodies and vice versa to ensure greater integration and effectiveness
  • Keep up to date welfare training and change accordingly with VP Welfare
  • Expand where Socs can Play and Perform
  • Members of societies on SSLCs
  • Accessibility with regard to outlets
  • Update Reg 9

No question is too small so if you have anything on your mind, please reach out with any questions or concerns in regard to societies or the student experience.

Joe Stanley

The Vice President for Societies's office is on the first floor of SUHQ.

024 765 72777


The election for this role takes place during our Spring Elections in term 2. You can find out more about this role and the others available by visiting our elections webpages.

Find out more about SU elections

View my manifesto

View my vote count