Warwick Cocktail Society Bar Crawl
Thu 26 September 2024 19:00-00:00
26/09/2024, 19:00 - 27/09/2024, 00:00
Thursday 26 September 2024,
- Friday 27 September 2024, 12.00AM
Just arrived and not sure where to go out drinking with your new mates?
Need to find some new drinking buddies to get through one million beers?
CocSoc has got you covered! We have the taxing burden of making sure new students know the best pubs and bars around.
- We'll start you off at Tbar, offering legendary Purple and student prices.
- Then take the bus to Leamington, where we'll stop off at the Clarendon for £3 cocktails?! (only on Thursdays)
- Guide you to the Holy Grail of student pubs, Wetherspoons.
- Take you down to the Old Library, where we'll pretend to be studying our drinks.
- Hop across the road for some £1 shots at 15. (I recommend the Jello shots!)
- Visit Fizzy Moon for some classy cocktails and comfy seating.
- And those who make it this far can join us for our final stop of the night, Kelsey's. It's got pool, music, sticky floors and Eliminators. Our favourite green drink!
Make sure you remember to bring 18+ ID if you plan on drinking. There will be plenty of exec to guide you along and give you a route back to campus if you feel like ending the night early.
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