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Warwick ISOC Ramadhan 2024

Event from Islamic

Sunday 10 March 2024, 12.00AM - Wednesday 10 April 2024, 11.59PM


"So whoever sights [the crescent of] the month, let him fast it..." [2:185]

For over 5 years now Warwick ISOC has had the privilege of providing free daily iftar to the the muslim students on campus as well as people from the wider locality. It is a huge privilege to be able to provide this and it would not be possible except by the generous donations and volunteering from members of our community. 

The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallim) said "Whoever feeds the person who is breaking his fast, he will have his reward (for his fasting) without decreasing anything from the reward of the fasting person."

We pray that Allah accepts your and our actions during this blessed month and that he makes it a Ramadhan to remember!

If you have any questions about Ramadhan feel free to contact Br Muhammad: 07542869003 or Br Umair: 07435387141

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