

Woman and non binary students Self Defence Class 1: Mixed Martial Arts

Event from SU Projects & Campaigns

Monday 30 January 2023, 5.00PM - Monday 30 January 2023, 6.00PM

Studio 2 - Sports and Wellness Hub 

About the Self Defense Classes:
Our self-defence classes for women (& non-binary people) will equip you with the skills needed for self-defence and boosting confidence, drawing on a range of martial arts and combat sports. 
The classes are completely free to attend; organised by your Womens Part Time Officer, Enaya Nihal, and ran in collaboration with Warwick SU and Warwick sport.
We have up to 30 FREE spaces avaliable for this session. Based on a first-come first-serve basis, you need to book onto the course at If you have any issues with booking, please contact

These sessions have been bought to you by your Part Time Womens' Officer, Enaya Nihal, and VP Sports, Emma Birch, ran in collaboration with Warwick SU, and Warwick Sport. ??

For these sessions, we recommend you wear breathable clothing and appropriate footwear (such as trainers) & make sure to bring some bottled water!

What Classes are offered?

We will do 2 sessions per sport, as outlined below:

Week 4 - Self Defence introduction

Week 5 - Boxing led by Nick- Heart of England coach

Week 6 - Karate led by executive committe for the Karate club!

Week 7 - Taekwondo led by the Taekwondo Club

Week 8 - Self Defence Session 2

Week 9 - Boxing led by Nick- Heart of England coach

Our sessions will take place every MONDAY 5-6pm in Studio 2 (first floor of the Sports & Wellness Hub) from Weeks 4-9. 


  • What should I wear?

Breathable, comfortable clothing and shoes is best - think what you'd wear to go to the gym, do yoga, or go to play lazer tag!

  • I've never done Judo/Karate/Taekwondo before?

These sessions are designed for you as a complete novice, to pick up some useful techniques in self defence in a safe and welcoming environment!

  • Do I have to prebook?

Our sessions will be operated on a first come, first serve basis - meaning anyone can come along! For safety reasons, we have a maximum capcity of 30 people, meaning if we go over that number, we'd then need to turn any additional arrivals away! 

  • Where is Studio 2? What is the Sports and Wellness Hub?

You can find the sports and wellness hub based on the main campus. It's a 7 minute from the Warwick University Bus Interchange, heading straight on the footpath near the Radcliffe Conference centre. 

For more information on the facilities, including a virtual tour up to Studio 2, can be found here!  Sports and Wellness Hub Coventry | Warwick Sport
For a tour of how to get to the Sports and wellness hub from your SU - look here: (63) How to get to the Sports Hub from the SU - YouTube


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