Save BIG at Domino’s this January!
Save BIG at Domino’s this January!


Cost of Living - Food Bank

Event from SU Projects & Campaigns

Thursday 16 February 2023, 10.00AM - Thursday 16 February 2023, 4.00PM

SU Lower Atrium 

As part of the Cost of Living Strategy, Warwick SU is running our own foodbank, to offer you help if you need it. If you or a friend, peer or house mate is struggling for funds, please do come along and take some of the cupboard staples being offered.

Organised by your Vice President Welfare and Campaigns, Tomi Amole, and your Part Time Officer for Widening Participation, Kieran Barry, we are glad to finally have this service up and running. 

We will not ask or request any proof, evidence or reason for your need to access the food bank to ensure that you can get exactly what you need. As a result, we ask kindly that you take only what you need as supplies are limited and we want as many students to be able to access as many products as possible.

We will provide a variety of cupboard goods, such as dried pasta, rice, cereal, tinned vegetables and fruit, and similar. 

If you would like to volunteer to help run the foodbank, you can find further details and sign up here.

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