Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Covid19 - Updates

In line with Government advice regarding the ongoing situation with Covid19, SUHQ will be closed until further notice. However, SU staff will now be working from home and are endeavouring to keep services running as smoothly as possible in the meantime.

Please see below for information about SU and other key campus services, along with answers to your FAQs!

General Information

The University’s Covid19 webpage contains all the latest updates and answers to students’ FAQs, so please keep checking this regularly for information about teaching & learning, exams & assessments, welfare and more.

Education Updates

Through your petitions, letters and responses to our survey, we’ve raised key issues around University communication, the need for a no-detriment policy, details of the safety-net, better support for PGT and PGRs, and dissertation support while there is a lack of library access. Click here for full details of what we know so far, what we've acheived to date, and what we're still pushing for.

SU Community Facebook Group

We have set up a group on Facebook for any students who are looking for some virtual company during this potentially lonely or stressful time! Student Officers will be hosting interactive video sessions and events, making Netflix recommendations and more - you can also use the group to chat with other students or post your own tips to relieve boredom. Find it HERE.

SU Tickets & Events

Given the ongoing situation, we are not currently scheduling any SU events for next term. Tickets will therefore NOT be going on sale on 31st March as previously indicated.

With regard to the Grad Ball and Sports Ball, we are unfortunately not able to confirm whether these events will be running in Term 3. Tickets will also therefore NOT be going on-sale on 23rd April as previously announced.

SU Outlets

[Updated 23/3/20]:

Unfortunately, owing to the ongoing situation, the SU has made the difficult decision to close all its commercial outlets until further notice.

We apologise sincerely to those students based on campus for whom this further reduces food and drink options - we had hoped to be able to offer a takeaway option but, with the situation evolving daily, this decision has been made in line with current government recommendations.

SU Advice Centre

While our offices are now closed, the Advice Centre remains open virtually as our Staff Team is set up to work remotely.

In the first instance, please email or use the Advice Centre’s online enquiry form. A member of our team will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible during weekday working hours! (Please note that the Advice Centre is closed at weekends, and is not currently accessible in the SU building).

Student Activities

The Student Activities Team will be working from home for the foreseeable future, but will try to accommodate Clubs & Society needs as much as possible.

If you are a member of a Sports Club or Society Exec, please check your email for information about Money Request Forms, Handover Packs, Training and more. Please note that the Finance team are currently running a restricted service, and as such will only be doing payment runs on Wednesdays (therefore, reimbursements will take longer than usual).


[Updated 3/4/20]:

The Library buildings are now closed, but Library staff are working from home to support you while you learn, teach and research remotely. Please check their webpage for daily updates, or see the following article for their latest news.

Wellbeing Support Services

The University’s Wellbeing Support Services team are doing everything they can to keep offering services to students. Their opening hours are still Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm (4pm on Fridays). Their telephone consultations are between 10am-3pm on weekdays. However, they are ceasing face-to-face meetings and will now support you by telephone or video call.

Please book a phone call through their Wellbeing Portal - they will try to call you back on the same day (please note that this call will be from a withheld number).

Health Centre

At the time of writing, the campus Health Centre is still open as usual (Monday-Wednesday and Fridays 9am-5pm, Thursday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-Noon), though they are currently offering a telephone consultation prior to making in-person appointments. They will update their website if their opening hours change in the coming weeks.

IMPORTANT: please consult the NHS webpages in the first instance if you are displaying coronavirus symptoms – do NOT visit the Surgery.

Campus Pharmacy

This is currently open as normal (Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm) for prescriptions and purchases. Again, however, please consult the NHS webpages in the first instance for information about the coronavirus.

Rootes Laundrette

The Rootes Laundrette will remain open for anyone staying in Rootes and other nearby buildings who do not have any other provision for washing their clothes. We have liaised with Warwick Accommodation, and they have arranged for a member of the Campus Cleaning Services team to clean in there.