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Impact Report: 2022-23 Term 3

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2022-23 Term 3 Impact Report


There is always lots going on at the SU in Term 3, as BUCS sports tournaments draw to a close, awards are distributed to recognise outstanding performance in Clubs, Societies and Student Voice & Impact, and we do our best to support students during the challenges of exams.

On top of this, we had democratic processes including the Summer Elections and All Student Vote, a wide variety of student and officer-led campaign activity, and our venues and outlets were as busy as ever making sure you had great places to go with friends to enjoy the best value food, drink and events on campus.

Read on for a reminder of just some of the amazing things that Warwick students and the SU did together in Term 3.


Advice Centre

  • In term 3, we have opened a total of 367 cases
  • We have seen most cases in Academic (131) and Housing (125)
  • The main issue the Advice Centre has seen in term 3 is complaints surrounding the UCU Strikes and the marking boycott
  • We have supported over 70 students with complaints around the boycott and appealing the impact on their grade(s)
  • We have taken part in a podcast with the Chemistry department to educate students on the support available during the cost-of-living crisis
  • According to our latest feedback report:
    • 96% of respondents were satisfied with the advice they received
    • 96% of respondents would use the Advice Centre again
    • 92% of respondents agreed that the advice empowered them to make informed choices
    • 96% of respondents would recommend us to a friend


Student Voice

  • All Student Vote
    • 4 motions submitted
    • 671 individual voters
    • 2,522 individual votes
  • Spring Officer Elections
    • 61 students stood as candidates to represent you as Faculty Reps and members of Forums and Steering Groups.
    • 785 individual voters
    • 3,923 votes cast
  • Student Voice & Impact Awards
    • 70+ students, committees and SSLCs nominated
    • 12 outstanding winners


  • 70 applications for our Disability Item Fund, with up to £50 of items for each student
  • 5 x Let’s Talk about Classism events, with an average of 25 attendees at each session
  • Pressure Drop:
    • There were huge queues for our Pets as Therapy event.
    • Both study sessions in Curiositea were well attended, with free drinks for everyone who was there
  • Our second SHaG Fest of the year was a success, in partnership with a number of sexual health charities, our own SU societies and other stakeholders.
  • We ran our first ever Warwick Pride in partnership with the University, with drag performers, singers, bands, and dancers on stage, plus food and community stalls, a rodeo bull, fairground activities, and a photobooth.
  • Soc Fest brought live music and performances from our musical societies, activities and taster sessions from societies such as Salsa and Drumming, exciting games with great prizes, and food trucks. Plus funfair games, giant board games, a bowling competition, and a gunk tank to dunk our VP Societies.

Social Activities

Outlets and Venues

  • 13,913 tickets sold for SU events
  • 865 weekly specials enjoyed in Curiositea
  • 2,691 meal deals, and 339 jacket potatoes devoured in The Bread Oven
  • 7,489 cocktails, and 15,461 pints of beer and cider supped in The Terrace Bar
  • 7,853 burgers, and 1,808 pizzas polished off in The Dirty Duck
  • And Warwick students helped the environment by using our Zero Waste Shop to buy 2KG of apple rings, 3L of washing up liquid, and 1.5L of body wash.

Sports Clubs and Societies

  • 10 amazing societies, and 5 incredible individual members won our Society Awards
  • 10 Sports Awards went to the SU’s very best clubs and their members
  • It was another great year for Warwick in BUCS:
    • 832 league and cup fixtures from 77 sports teams
    • 74 sporting events attended by 29 clubs
    • 2482.5 points in total, finishing 14th place overall
    • 2 x national trophies, and 4 x regional trophies
    • 17 x 1st place finishes
    • 13 x medals (5 x Gold, 4 x Silver, 4 x Bronze)
    • Shortlisted for 5 BUCS Awards

In other news

  • 300 Warwick Scholars got free access to sport
  • 3,131 students responded to the T3 Student Feedback Survey, to let us know how you are feeling and what is important, so we can continue to work with the University on improving your experience
  • Your student officers presented a cost of living report to University Senate, asking them to review their food & drink offer, student hardship funding process, and car parking costs
  • Alongside the University, we co-delivered the first 20 hours of Maskulinities Project pilot workshops to two groups of men
  • We worked with the University and local Council to make the priority focus of Leamington Street Marshals student safety for the entire week, rather than crime reduction at weekends
  • The SU collaborated with the University to present the work done with sports clubs and the wider community to prevent GBV and sexism at the BUCS National Conference
  • SU Officers and staff have supported the We are Chemistry programme throughout 22/23, putting on 82 free events across 30 weeks that were attended by over 4,000 students.


During Term 3, we made sure you were kept up-to-date about everything happening at the SU and around the University. Across the term, we’ve seen:

  • 7,800 students regularly reading our weekly e-newsletter with updates from the SU
  • 484,362 page views on the SU website
  • Over 1 million impressions across our posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • 24,555 views of our best performing Instagram video
  • 44,445 video views on Tik Tok
  • 3,676 followers on LinkedIn