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The Students’ Union is the focal point of campus life here at Warwick, but what exactly is it that makes your Union so unique? Here are a few basic facts about who we are and what we do…

Referenda Case

All Student Vote (Spring 2021)

Warwick SU Supports Rent Strike


Proposer: Asmaa Elsouda                                                         Warwick No: 2096515


Seconder: Fraser Amos                                                             Warwick No: 1728366


This Union Notes:


This section should include any facts, figures or statements that you believe are relevant to the topic of your policy. Remember in this section clear and effective referencing is important.

  1. That Warwick Rent Strike was launched on the 3rd of January 2021. The Following are all of the Rent Strike’s demands:
  • A 40% rent cut for all students in Warwick Accommodation managed properties for the academic year 2020/21.
  • Contract releases or refunds for any periods that students don't make use of their accommodation for the 2020/21 and 2019/20 academic year.
  • The continuation and expansion of Warwick managed off-campus accommodation.
  • No repercussions or penalties for rent strikers from the 19/20 and 20/21 academic year and no interest charges on late rent.
  • The University to deliver and lobby the government for increased investment in mental health support for students and increased financial hardship support.
  • No COVID job losses at the University [1]
  1. That Warwick Rent Strike has since received over 500 sign-ups from students [2]
  2. That the government implemented a national lockdown on the 5th of January 2021, leaving many students unable to occupy their Warwick accommodation [3]
  3. That most university students have been advised by the government toremain where they are wherever possible, and start their term online, as facilitated by their university until at least Mid-February’ [4]
  4. That there are travel restrictions worldwide, preventing international students that have returned home from making use of their off-campus accommodation [5]
  5. That the coronavirus crisis is creating unprecedented hardship for students and families across the UK [6]
  6. That accommodation rents are frequently more expensive than maintenance loans provide [7]
  7. That Warwick University offered students the option of being released from their on-campus accommodation contracts from the start of term three last academic year [8]
  8. That Warwick University did not offer students the option of being released from their off-campus Warwick-managed accommodation [9]
  9. That Warwick University has announced the cancellation of Warwick-managed off-campus accommodation in 2021/2022 [10]














This Union Believes:


This section should include opinions or supporting statements for your policy.


  1. The Government and the University of Warwick lied to us about what this year would look like to get us to pay fees and sign accommodation contracts
  2. That it is unfair for the university to continue to demand rent from students who will not be or have not been occupying their Warwick Accommodation 
  3. That by allowing students to be released from their on-campus accommodation contracts during the Summer Term of 2020, Warwick University set a precedent for cancelling rent for students unable to occupy their accommodation 
  4. That there is a clear mandate from students for the SU to support Warwick Rent Strike and all of its demands 
  5. That removing Warwick-managed off-campus accommodation will leave many students at the mercy of ruthless private landlords 
  6. That Warwick University’s mental health provisions for students are wholly inadequate 
  7. That Warwick University’s unashamed abandonment of vulnerable students, such as those in off-campus Warwick-managed accommodation and graduates, is immoral and abhorrent 



This Union Resolves:


This section should be about how you want the SU to react, the outcome of this policy. Remember to mandate specific departments/sabbatical officers; this will make things easier for future accountability

  1. That Warwick SU stand in solidarity with those currently withholding rent, either through an inability to pay or as a means to lobby the University to meet all of Warwick Rent Strike’s demands  
  2. That Warwick SU publicly support Warwick Rent Strike and all of its demands
  3. That the President and Democracy and Development Officer lobby the university for the continuation and expansion of Warwick-managed off-campus accommodation
  4. That the President and Democracy and Development Officer lobby the university to establish a plan to support graduates to pay outstanding rent and to stop referring them to external debt collectors 
  5. That the Sports Officer lobby the university for sports and gym membership refunds 
  6. That the President and Welfare Officer lobby the university for increased investment in culturally competent mental health support including adequate and timely access to a wide range of talking therapies.
  7. That an SU email be sent to all students with Warwick Rent Strike’s sign-up form [12], linktree [13] and all social media page links [14] [15] [16]
  8. That the SU share Warwick Rent Strike’s social media posts from all official SU social media channels 
  9. That all sabbatical and part-time officers share Warwick Rent Strike’s social media posts on all of their individual officer social media pages 
  10. That the Sports Officer send an email to all sports clubs with Warwick Rent Strike’s sign-up form, linktree and all social media page links
  11. That the Societies Officer send an email to all societies with Warwick Rent Strike’s sign-up form, linktree and all social media page links
  12. That the SU cover the costs of all of the rent strike’s promotional posters and leaflets to be distributed safely on campus within government guidelines 
  13. That the SU cover the costs of all the rent strike’s social media promotion, such as Facebook adverts







Policy History
















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