Roles & Opportunities

At Warwick SU, we seek to give you the opportunity to represent your peers and offer you a platform to bring about change. Student Voice roles can potentially open doors and aid transition into a variety of careers.

There are a range of Student Voice opportunities which you can nominate yourself for. To give you an indication of which one may be the one for you, browse through the job summaries found below.

Student Officers

Each year, the student body elects 7 Student Officers, all of whom take a year out from their studies to preside over the Union as your representatives. These Student Officers work alongside our dedicated staff team to deliver a wealth of services for you.

Part-time Officers

Part-time Officers seek to provide a voice to underrepresented students on campus, the roles on offer are as follows:

Officer Testimonials

Discover what our alumni have to say being a Student Officer at Warwick SU, the skills they have learnt and their subsequent career choices.

Full-time Officers

Max Pike
Holly Roffe
Chih-Hsiang Lo
Jacob Jefferson

Here's Jacob Jefferson to tell us more about his experience as Democracy & Development Officer at Warwick SU in 2021/22.

Balraj Dhingra

Here’s Balraj to tell us more about his experience as Sports Officer in 2018/19 – click on the video to find out more.

Ellie Martin
Emily Dunford

Part-time Officers

Alex Baker
Madi Simcock-Brown
Josie Throup

Make A Change: Student Voice Role Summaries


Training is provided throughout the year to support Student Officers, Course Reps and Trustees in their roles.  Courses include:

  • Disclosure Referral Training
  • Democracy
  • Your Manifestos & Goal Setting
  • Course Reps & Academic Representation
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Student trends through the Advice Centre Lens
  • Strategic Plan & Officer Accountability
  • How to Access the Innovation Fund
  • How to Have an Inclusive Membership Organisation
  • Member Research: Comms & Engagement
  • Marketing & Social Media
  • Effective campaigning
  • SU Strategic Engagement
  • Officer Career Management
  • How to be a Trustee
  • Political Leadership
  • Mapping the University
  • Managing the Press
  • Intercultural Awareness Training

Information on all courses will be provided when you start your role.

Are You Interested? Nominate Yourself

You cannot apply to Student Voice roles as they are elected positions that require you to nominate yourself for a position.

Click here to go to the elections page, where you will find further information and instructions on how to nominate yourself or a friend.